"Cowboy Cartel," the compelling four-part documentary series that premiered on Apple TV+ on August 2, 2024, delves into the gripping true story of a rookie FBI agent's pursuit to dismantle one of Mexico's most formidable cartels, Los Zetas. 
The series meticulously chronicles how Los Zetas orchestrated a multimillion-dollar money laundering scheme through the American Quarter Horse racing industry. 
The series was produced by Breaklight Pictures, with executive producers Dan Johnstone, Castor Fernandez, Eric Newman, Steve Michaels, and Jodi Flynn,
A big shout out to Shanon Smith for letting us collaborate on this great production!
A horse race featured in “Cowboy Cartel,” now streaming on Apple TV+.
A horse race featured in “Cowboy Cartel,” now streaming on Apple TV+.
A horse race featured in “Cowboy Cartel,” now streaming on Apple TV+.
A horse race featured in “Cowboy Cartel,” now streaming on Apple TV+.
Horses featured in “Cowboy Cartel,” now streaming on Apple TV+.
Horses featured in “Cowboy Cartel,” now streaming on Apple TV+.
A recreation of the FBI’s arrest operation at Jose Treviño’s property, depicted in “Cowboy Cartel,” now streaming on Apple TV+.
A recreation of the FBI’s arrest operation at Jose Treviño’s property, depicted in “Cowboy Cartel,” now streaming on Apple TV+.
A recreation of Steve Pennington’s investigation, depicted in “Cowboy Cartel,” now streaming on Apple TV+.
A recreation of Steve Pennington’s investigation, depicted in “Cowboy Cartel,” now streaming on Apple TV+.
Just as we provided comprehensive bicultural and bilingual liaison services for the production of "Cowboy Cartel," ensuring seamless communication and cultural authenticity across all stages of development, we are ready to bring the same level of dedication and expertise to your projects.
Our team excels in bridging cultural divides, offering support in production, on-site assistance, post-production collaboration, and story research. We are committed to enhancing the depth and authenticity of your storytelling, ensuring it resonates with diverse audiences.
Partner with us to navigate the complexities of cross-cultural production and deliver compelling narratives that stand out in today's global media landscape.
For a visual glimpse into this high-stakes narrative, you can watch the official trailer below:
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